I made a commitment a long time ago to discover and intentionally list the multitudes of God's blessings. Obviously, I let "stuff" get in the way. This week,however, I have some worries and concerns heavy on my heart and it would be easy to get so caught up in fear that I forget God's goodness...So maybe this is the perfect time to turn my focus on Him rather than getting caught up in worry and anxiety. Besides, this week blessings have been evident. There are so many good things to be thankful for...So to continue my list...
81. Slain dragons.
82. Anticipating answers to prayer.
83. Spending thanksgiving with a very special family. Good meal, good fellowship and AWESOME friends.
85. A place for all my HOPE chics to nest for Thanksgiving.
86. Unexpected letters from England--another mother's blessing.
87. British chocolate!!!
88. Our book in Portuguese...God at work in Brazil.
89. Anticipating Andy's graduation! So happy for him!
90. HOPE fun and fellowship.
91. Decorating Christmas trees.
92. Christmas lights.
93. ART STAR's paintings.
94. Seeing Brittany find her niche in teaching art and creativity with those kids.
95. Bones that rattle and bruise but don't break!
96. Spike and Zoe--they make me smile!
97. Cooking with Andy.
98. White chocolate coffee!
99. Dreams that don't come true...
100. Sudafed--the original kind.
101. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these bright autumn colors!
102. Windless days.
103. Psalm 91.
104. Faith. I can't imagine how people get thru life without it.
105. Birthdays...Seems like my kids' birthdays get more precious every year.
106. Friends that pray faithfully.
107. Power tools! My scroll saw, belt sander, and drill press and a little paint and wood open up a whole new world sometimes...
108. Warm places.
109. Jesus loves me no matter what.
110. Strangers in the laundromat who become friends during the dry cycle. It's amazing how people open up over a load of laundry!
111. Words that give life.
Speaking of words....What better way to focus on the positive than to find it in His Word!...
112. REST - "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." - Psalm 91:1
113. BATTLE - "All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s..." - 1 Samuel 17:47 (I'm holding tight to this one...whether it be battles in Afghanistan or battles of the mind--they are all HIS.)
114. UNFAILING - "Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone." - Psalm 33:22 (What a gift that we can trust that His love never fails!)
115. HOPE - "He commanded our ancestors to teach them to their children, so the next generation might know them—even the children not yet born—and they in turn will teach their own children. So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands." - Psalm 78:5-7 (I love how hope goes on and on from generation to generation. All else of this world may fail, but He always gives us hope.)

81. Slain dragons.
82. Anticipating answers to prayer.
83. Spending thanksgiving with a very special family. Good meal, good fellowship and AWESOME friends.
85. A place for all my HOPE chics to nest for Thanksgiving.
86. Unexpected letters from England--another mother's blessing.
87. British chocolate!!!
88. Our book in Portuguese...God at work in Brazil.
89. Anticipating Andy's graduation! So happy for him!
90. HOPE fun and fellowship.
91. Decorating Christmas trees.
92. Christmas lights.
93. ART STAR's paintings.
94. Seeing Brittany find her niche in teaching art and creativity with those kids.
95. Bones that rattle and bruise but don't break!
96. Spike and Zoe--they make me smile!
97. Cooking with Andy.
98. White chocolate coffee!
99. Dreams that don't come true...
100. Sudafed--the original kind.
101. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these bright autumn colors!
102. Windless days.
103. Psalm 91.
104. Faith. I can't imagine how people get thru life without it.
105. Birthdays...Seems like my kids' birthdays get more precious every year.
106. Friends that pray faithfully.
107. Power tools! My scroll saw, belt sander, and drill press and a little paint and wood open up a whole new world sometimes...
108. Warm places.
109. Jesus loves me no matter what.
110. Strangers in the laundromat who become friends during the dry cycle. It's amazing how people open up over a load of laundry!
111. Words that give life.
Speaking of words....What better way to focus on the positive than to find it in His Word!...
112. REST - "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." - Psalm 91:1
113. BATTLE - "All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s..." - 1 Samuel 17:47 (I'm holding tight to this one...whether it be battles in Afghanistan or battles of the mind--they are all HIS.)
114. UNFAILING - "Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone." - Psalm 33:22 (What a gift that we can trust that His love never fails!)
115. HOPE - "He commanded our ancestors to teach them to their children, so the next generation might know them—even the children not yet born—and they in turn will teach their own children. So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands." - Psalm 78:5-7 (I love how hope goes on and on from generation to generation. All else of this world may fail, but He always gives us hope.)
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